For many years and early in my career, I was a speech writer for the executive leaders at my organization. One of the tips I learned for framing the message is to find a quote and build around the meaning. As witnessed in some of my previous articles, I carry over that tip when sharing my message in ACPM News. If someone captured my thoughts so eloquently, why not borrow? This time, I struggled.

Not because I couldn’t find the right quote. It was just the opposite … I couldn’t narrow it down!

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team” – Phil Jackson

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Helen Keller

“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” – Henry Ford

“Unity is strength … when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” – Mattie Stepanek

And, the list can go on! What was the inspiration for my quest to find the perfect quote? The ACPM staff! Each day, I am amazed at how so few can accomplish so much. So, I thought it was time to shine a spotlight behind the scenes and give you a look at the dedicated, talented staff who work to support your professional home, ensure ACPM can advance its mission, and make all we do seem so effortless.

Kate Shreve, Director of Programs and Grants – Kate is ACPM’s primary lead on grant programs with both federal agencies, such as the CDC and VA, and corporate partners. She works to find new opportunities that align with the organization’s mission, engages members as faculty to support these efforts, and ensures ACPM maintains a strong reputation as a leader in public health and preventive medicine. Kate also supports programming for the Prevention Alliance and works with the Science and Translation Committee.

Cara Molinari, Director of Medical Education – Ever wonder who is behind your CMEs? Cara partners across the organization to develop programming to ensure the maintenance of our CME accreditation. Joining us in Seattle for PM2025? Cara is the conductor of the annual conference symphony and works closely with our volunteer members to pull together three days of innovative and educational programming. Cara works with the ACPM Education Committee.

Anita Balan, Director of Residency Engagement and Development – Anita holds the longest tenure at ACPM as she works through her tenth year with the College. She is a familiar face to many and holds a passion for building the pipeline for the specialty. This makes her the perfect fit for working with our residents, residency programs and student members. Anita also is the staff liaison for the Membership Committee.

Noah Isenstein, Communications and Advocacy Specialist – Noah works closely with the Advocacy Committee to advance our legislative agenda … no small task in the political environment of the last few years! If you participate in ACPM’s Hill Day, Noah is the persistent voice on the phone working to schedule your congressional meetings. He champions our messages, develops issue briefs and works to maintain collaborative relationships with so many of our partners in the field.

Will Hirzy, Member Services Specialist – Did you call membership at ACPM HQ and get greeted by a friendly voice and helpful staff member? That’s Will! Maybe you met him during registration at the conference in DC last year. Will is our resident problem solver and takes the lead on pulling together many of our member programs, such as nominations, awards, scholarships and more. He plays a key role in supporting the Military Environmental Certification program and is the lead behind ACPM News.

Mahalia “Mo” Alascio, Administrative Services Specialist – Mo is the newest member of the ACPM team and has her hands in many facets of the College. She helps to support our operations and is the lead on ACPM’s social media presence. Mo also plays a key role in the logistics of the annual conference, communications campaigns for several grants, and governance functions.

I have only hit the highlights for how each of these individuals contribute to the College. With this shoutout, I am hopeful you have a glimpse of the folks who work so hard for you! And, when you join us in Seattle for PM2025, May 5-8, you have the opportunity to meet each one in person.

It is an honor to lead and be part of such a collaborative, focused, talented and kind group! I can continue my quest for the perfect quote to wind down this article. However, this time, I will use my own words … Thank you, team! Every day, I see the great work you do, experience the positive attitude you bring to the workplace and appreciate your unwavering dedication to make a difference. I am grateful.

Melissa Ferrari, CAE
Interim CEO
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