Residents are the pipeline to the specialty of preventive medicine and public health. ACPM is positioned to support residents as they begin their journey in the field. Resident members also receive discounts and special access to programs and networking opportunities with leaders in preventive medicine and public health. 

Learn how ACPM can be your professional home! 

Improve Your Knowledge, Build Your Skills

Connect with Leaders in the Field, Contribute to the College

  • New Resident Orientation
    • Each year ACPM hosts an informative session for new preventive medicine residents. Residents were able to connect with residents from across the country, meet leaders in the field, learn how to be a voice for prevention and get a glimpse of what ACPM has to offer 
    • Access(Opens in a new window) 2024 New Resident Orientation and learn more about ACPM 
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    • Committees and working groups advance the ACPM mission by providing strategic guidance, executing critical projects and programs, supporting the scientific advancement of preventive medicine and more. Residents are encouraged to volunteer for the College.
  • Develop Policy and Practice Statements
    • ACPM develops and advocates for public policies consistent with the scientific evidence and core principles of the preventive medicine profession. Policy positions are developed by the Advocacy Committee and approved by the Board of Regents. Practice Statements are developed by the Science and Translation Committee and approved by the Board of Regents.
  • Build the Evidence Base of Preventive Medicine
    • Several upcoming opportunities for residents include helping to build workshops at PM2025 and reviewing evidence-based toolkits and/or courses. Additional information about these specific opportunities will be shared via our weekly newsletter and other communication channels. (Only for residents whose membership with ACPM is in good standing. Selection criteria will vary for each opportunity.)
  • Career development programming
    • Throughout the year, the College hosts virtual networking and learning events to give residents access to industry experts and the opportunity to meet fellow residents across the country. 

Advocate for the Specialty

  • Hill Day
    • Every year, only half of the ccredited Preventive Medicine residency positions are filled, largely due to lack of funding and many residency programs are one budget fluctuation away from having to close more positions or the program entirely. Join ACPM on Capitol Hill to advocate for more funding for preventive medicine residencies.
  • Action Center
    • ​The ACPM Action Center(Opens in a new window) makes it easy to engage with a simple avenue to connect your voice to your congressional representatives. Support preventive medicine through meaningful ACPM advocacy activities that align with the College's forward-thinking policy agenda supporting public health best-practices and the sustainable future of the prevention. Visit the ACPM Action Center(Opens in a new window) and make your voice heard!
    Ambassador Program
    • Bring your passion for the specialty and all things prevention and become an Ambassador of the College(Opens in a new window). From advocating for the specialty of Preventive Medicine and sharing the importance of routine vaccinations to support the prevention of HIV, the ACPM ambassador program taps into your skills set and opens doors to media opportunities, training and more.​
    Virtual Career Fairs
    • Join other preventive medicine physicians and represent the specialty in virtual career fairs for medical students exploring the direction for their careers.

Prepare for Your Career

  • Recent Resident Graduate Rate
    • ​Recent preventive medicine residency graduates get exclusive membership pricing for the first two years after graduating. The price is $250.
    Career Pathways
    • ​Using the lens of the core competencies in preventive medicine, the ACPM Career Pathways(Opens in a new window) infographic aligns the competencies with careers in each area. See where your interests and skills align!
    Practice Exams
    • Practice exams deliver 125 questions of similar format and content to the Board certification exam. Get feedback on how well you assimilated review course content. Answer explanations written by course faculty are included
  • Graduation Ceremony Board Review Course Career Center
    • Find your first job in preventive medicine! The ACPM Career Center gives you the opportunity to share your CV with prospective employers and search job listings specific to preventive medicine and public health.

Preventive Mediine Program Directory

Electronic Residency Application System (ERAS)(Opens in a new window)  

National Residency Match Program for Applicants(Opens in a new window)