The Lifestyle Medicine Core Competencies Online Program is presented in two parts covering basic and advanced material:
  • Part 1, Basic Training Curriculum: Covers the 15 core competencies of lifestyle medicine endorsed by ACLM and ACPM, which was published in JAMA. 
  • Part 2, Advanced Training Curriculum: In-depth study of the competencies, guidance on how to employ them in a lifestyle medicine-oriented practice, and approaches to facilitating behavior change interventions.

Part 1: Basic Training Curriculum


  • Promote healthy behaviors as foundational to medical care, disease prevention, and health promotion.
  • Seek to practice healthy behaviors and create environments that support healthy behaviors in school, at work, and at home.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the evidence that specific lifestyle changes can have a positive effect on patients’ health outcomes.
  • Describe ways that physician engagement with patients and families can have a positive effect on patients’ health behaviors.

Assessment Skills

  • Assess the social, psychological, and biological predispositions of patients’ behaviors and the resulting health outcomes.
  • Assess patient and family readiness, willingness, and ability to make health behavior changes.
  • Perform a history and physical examination specific to lifestyle-related health status, including lifestyle "vital signs” such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity, body mass index, stress level, sleep, and emotional well-being.
  • Based on this assessment, obtain and interpret appropriate tests to screen, diagnose, and monitor lifestyle-related diseases.

Management Skills

  • Use nationally recognized practice guidelines (such as those for hypertension and smoking cessation) to assist patients in self-managing their health behaviors and lifestyles.
  • Establish effective relationships with patients and their families to affect and sustain behavioral change using evidence-based counseling methods, tools and follow-up.
  • Collaborate with patients and their families to develop evidence-based, achievable, specific, and written action plans such as lifestyle prescriptions.
  • Help patients manage and sustain healthy lifestyle practices, and refer patients to other health care professionals as needed for lifestyle-related conditions.

Use of Office and Community Support

  • Have the ability to practice as an interdisciplinary team of health care professionals and support a team approach.
  • Develop and apply office systems and practices to support lifestyle medical care including decision-support technology.
  • Measure processes and outcomes to improve the quality of lifestyle interventions in individuals and groups of patients.
  • Use appropriate community referral resources that support the implementation of healthy lifestyles.

Behavior Change Introduction Topics

  • Gain introductory knowledge of facilitating behavior change interventions in these and other lifestyle medicine areas. These will be covered in-depth in the second part of the program.

Part 2: Advanced Training Curriculum

The second part of the program provides a more in-depth study of the above competencies and focuses on facilitating behavior change interventions in the following lifestyle medicine domains:
  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Sleep Health
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Mindfulness
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Alcohol use 

Visit ACLM

ACPM looks forward to educating participants interested in the core competencies of Lifestyle Medicine with effective strategies and practical solutions. If you are a nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, dietitian, health coach, or another allied health professional, please visit the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) to enroll in this course.