The American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) carries out its mission under the supervision and strategic guidance of the Board of Regents and the Committees of the Board. Our leadership provides direction to improve the practice of preventive medicine across practices, processes, advocacy, and education.
We are currently accepting applications to serve on committees and other volunteer opportunities. All volunteers must also complete our conflict of interest form. ACPM's complete conflict of interest policy is available here.Our Governance Team
ACPM is governed by a Board of Regents, which is composed of four Executive Officers and eight Regents-at-Large.
Voting for the new ACPM Board of Regents' terms starting in 2025 has closed. Nominations will open Summer 2025 for terms starting in 2026! To see the upcoming available terms, view the chart of terms below.
View the chart of terms to learn more about upcoming available Board terms. To learn more about the nominations and voting process, view the full timeline.The Board is guided by ACPM’s bylaws, strategic plan, and code of ethics to ensure the highest level of professionalism for the College and the membership in the practice of preventive medicine. Committees of the Board support a wide range of strategic functions relevant to preventive medicine and various member sub-specialties.
Our Governance Structure
Standing Committees of the Board
To serve and be a member on a Committee, individuals shall be active members of ACPM. Terms are two years.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee conducts the business of the College between meetings of the Board and serves as the College’s compensation and personnel committee. Except as provided for in Article III, Section 8 of the bylaws or by specific limiting policies enacted by the Board, the Executive Committee has the full authority of the Board of Regents.
Chair: Mirza I Rahman, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACPM
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for reporting to the Board on proposed changes in the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Board Manual. The committee coordinates annual board and regent evaluations, and serves as the College’s nominating committee, including nominating the Slate for the Board of Regents.
Chair: Jill Waalen, MD, MS, MPH, FACPM
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee reviews and recommends revisions to the College’s Code of Ethics and other ethics-related documents. It monitors the activities of the College, and advises the Board and management on ethical issues confronting our organization.
Chair: Joe Iser, MD, DrPH, MSc, FACPM
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for the annual budget review and approval; review of the annual audit and liaison with external accountants; quarterly reports to the Board on the College’s financial status, investment strategies, and policies; and determination of capital requirements. An independent audit subcommittee reviews the annual audit.
Chair: James A. Tacci, MD, JD, MPH, FACPM
Vice Chair: Lisa Waddell, MD, MPH
Strategy Committee
The Strategy Committee regularly reviews the College’s strategy documents, ensures strategic priorities are aligned within the organization, and provides member and regent professional development opportunities through coordinated leadership with each of the chairs of the committees of the College.
Chair: Ryung Suh, MD, MPP, MBA, MPH, FACPM
Committees of the College
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is charged with ensuring a collective strategy of membership recruitment, engagement, cultivation, and retention, as well as reviewing fellowship applications.
Board Liaison: Michael Crupain, MD, MPH, FACPM
Chair: Prasad Acharya, MD, MBA, MPH, FACPM
Vice Chair: Tina Singh, MD, MPH, FACPM
Science and Translation Committee
The Science and Translation Committee is charged with providing evidence-based guidance for the various forms of preventive medicine practice: clinical, community and population, policy, and advocacy. The purpose and functions of the committee are to:
Develop evidence reviews of strategically selected topics to advance the work of the College and support preventive medicine practice.
Translate evidence (from extant or new reviews) into useful clinical, population health practice, policy and implementation recommendations and guidance, and/or ACPM position statements for organizational or membership-led advocacy efforts.
The committee will have two subcommittees (Evidence Review and Practice and Policy Guidelines) to lead the work of this strategic group.
Chair: David Niebuhr, MD, MPH, MSc, FACPM
Vice Chair: Randall Freeman, MD, MPH, MBA, MTM&H
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee is charged with creating and maintaining “ACPM Position Statements” that guide the advocacy initiatives of the College. The Advocacy Committee is also charged with helping lead the College’s member advocacy efforts and initiatives.
Board Liaison: Robert Gilchick, MD, MPH, FACPM
Chair: Andrew Karasick, MD, MBA, MPH, FACPM
Vice Chair: Ankush Bansal, MD, FACP, FACPM, SFHM, FABDA, MCFLC
Education Committee
The Education Committee is charged with developing and designing an integrated educational program that advances our pipeline/foundation of educational work—CME/MOC, GME, UME (subcommittees or Vice Chairs to lead these parts of the work). This Committee will also vet development plans by staff for new products and allied partnerships/ventures.
Board Liaison: Joe Iser, MD, DrPH, MSc, FACPM
Chair: Michele A. Soltis, MD, MPH, FACPM| COL, MC, USA
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Subcommittee
The CME subcommittee is charged with supporting the ACPM Education Committee. This subcommittee develops and designs an integrated educational program to advance the knowledge, skills, and professional performance of College members and other medical professionals seeking continuing education in the practice of preventive medicine.
Chair: Soju Chang, MD, MPH
Vice Chair: Iram Aman, MD, MPH
Graduate Medical Education Subcommittee
The Graduate Medical Education Subcommittee has the task of supporting residency directors in their role of training the next generation of Preventive Medicine physicians. Additionally, the subcommittee is responsible for the planning and delivery of the annual Residency Directors’ Workshop, oversight of the Standardized Acceptance Process, and representation at national organizations to increase visibility and awareness.
Chair: Heather O’Hara, MD, MSPH
Undergraduate Medical Education Subcommittee
The charge of the UME Subcommittee is to promote the inclusion of preventive medicine topics and training experiences into undergraduate medical programs.
Chair: Penny Stern, MD, MPH, FACPM, FACOEM
Conference Planning Committee
The Conference Planning Committee is charged with developing and designing an engaging and educationally sound experience for ACPM members/potential members that advances the ACPM mission.
Board Liaison: Richard Bruno, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FACPM
Chair: Yuri Jadotte, MD, PhD, MPH, FACPM
Vice Chair: Jennifer Chevinsky, FACPM, MD, MPH
Learn more about ACPM Governance and Committee Resources from our resources library, or search for a specific resource by keyword.
A strong governance structure is only as good as the professionals who uphold our mission and values. We invite you to serve on a committee and lead our mission to advance preventive medicine. Become an ACPM member and consider a donation to support the mission of the College. ACPM looks forward to supporting you as a leader in preventive medicine. For questions or to learn more about our goals, contact us at or call (202) 466-2044.