1. This page is restricted to the program directors. Please do not share this page with the applicants.  

2. You can submit your rank list of applicants below from January 24, 2024 12 p.m. ET. to January 25, 11:59 p.m. ET.

3. ACPM has prepared and shared a rank list guidance with the programs. Please refer to the guidance for additional information.

4. You will be able to choose and rank up to 50 applicants from a drop down list of applicants who submitted their rank list.

5. The drop down list with the names of the applicants who submitted the rank lists will appear only at January 24 at 12 p.m. ET. and not before that.

6. If you have more than one track, submit a separate rank list for each track. For the purposes of the SAP algorithm, each track will be considered a separate program. 

7. If you have any questions or concerns about this list, email SAP@acpm.org